The bimodal letdown happens when we don’t stimulate [the cow] long enough and we don’t wait long enough for the oxytocin to arrive from the posterior pituitary after we have stimulated her...
Panelists: Alex Peterson (NDB), Barb O'Brien (DMI), Jim Mulhurn (NMPF), and Krysta Harden (USDEC)“Exports are on track for a record year,” shared Jim Mulhern, who is the CEO and president of...
Imagine you’re cruising down the highway toward a perfect vacation. The only thing between you and your destination is the road.Soon, you come across a tollbooth. Being the prepared driver you
There’s a new leader but familiar face at the helm of Dairy Management Inc., the research and promotion program supported in part by dairy checkoff dollars
The decline in U.S. fluid milk consumption is not a new topic. USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) reported last year that as of 2019, fluid beverage milk accounted for 21.7% of total
Dubai. Not only is it one of the largest metropolitan centers in the Middle East with its 5 million-plus people, but it could also be considered the pearl of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Chad and Jan Winke made the life-changing decision 13 years ago to spend three years in New Zealand. The initial opportunity came up because Jan was offered a position with GEA supporting Kiwi dairy farmers
Housing calves in groups can sound like a jump into the deep end, far from the safe waters of individual pens long considered the standard to prevent disease transmission
With good reason, many people get upset when I start answering a question saying, “It depends.” Generally speaking, people seek straight and simple answers
“This is the chef’s biggest asset,” said Sunjeh Raja, pointing to the screen.That screen portrayed a Certified USA Cheese Specialist certificate bearing the name of one of the 646 chefs
A feed and forage outlook for the year aheadMike Hutjens, University of Illinois, and Mike Rankin, Hay & Forage Grower magazinesponsored by Chr. Hansen Large regions of drought and exce
Class IV futures contracts have been trading higher on the CME when compared to Class III. Of course, Class IV tracks products such as dry milk powders and butter
Merriam-Webster states stress is: “. . . a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, etc.” Almost everyone experiences daily stress, as it is pretty much unavoidable